Our March Gift - Angel Covers

Find out more about our newest recipient, Angel Covers, and the amazing work they do all around the world. Your donation will be put towards providing great nutrition and filling the needs of orphans in China.


Apr 23, 2019 | Blog

Our March Gift – Angel Covers

Food :: it’s a necessity for our life. It’s something we have access to and tend to eat multiple times per day. We never have to worry about when the next time we get a meal will be. Food is many times something we don’t even think much about because it’s just a normal part of our everyday lives. When was the last time you had to worry about when you were going to be able to eat? Have you ever had to worry about not getting food again? For most of us, food is something we take for granted in our day to day life. But for 821 million people around the world, food is hard to come by and they are left hungry.

DollarFund is committed to giving to organizations that are fighting to end world hunger and help the orphans in the world. We are so excited to announce that for March, DollarFund donors have been able to give $5,000 to help bring nutrition and support to the malnourished children in a Chinese orphanage.

The Problem

It is estimated that about 815 million people of the 7.6 billion people in the world, or 10.7%, were suffering from chronic undernourishment. Almost all the hungry people live in lower-middle-income countries. There are 11 million people undernourished in developed countries.

Around the world the cost of food is increasing at an alarming rate.  All of us are paying more and more to put food on the table.  China is no different. Orphanages like the one in Huaibei, Anhui, China have to stretch their dollars so far the children don’t always get enough to eat to insure adequate nutrition. Malnutrition is a contributing factor to stunted growth, decreased brain function and a reduction in the body’s ability to fight off disease. Undernutrition magnifies the effect of every disease, including measles and malaria. The estimated proportions of deaths in which undernutrition is an underlying cause are roughly similar for diarrhea, malaria, pneumonia, and measles. Undernutrition can also be caused by diseases, such as those that cause diarrhea, by reducing the body’s ability to convert food into usable nutrients.

Children are the most visible victims of undernutrition. It is estimated that undernutrition—including stunting, wasting, deficiencies of vitamin A and zinc, and fetal growth restriction (when a baby does not grow to its normal weight before birth)—is a cause of 3·1 million child deaths annually or 45 percent of all child deaths in 2011.

Angel Covers

Angel Covers exists to promotes a safe and healthy environment that allows children to grow and become independent, empowered adults who break the cycle of poverty for future generations.

Angel Covers is a volunteer run organization dedicated to providing holistic care to orphaned and impoverished children around the world. We believe each and every child deserves access to quality education, nutrition, shelter, and medical care.

Education: Angel Covers is committed to establishing a strong foundation for lifelong education. We believe that enabling children to achieve their academic potential will help break the cycle of poverty and allow them to lead healthier, more productive lives.

Nutrition: Angel Covers provides nutritional programs to help orphaned and impoverished children have basic food and vitamins that supports a child’s overall well-being. Our goal is to design appropriate nutritional programs that can evolve into self-sustaining projects tailored to meet the needs of the children in each environment.

Shelter: A safe, protective environment in which orphaned and impoverished children can sleep, eat, and learn will foster greater chances of success for them in school and employment. Angel Covers believes this will support a child’s personal growth and self-esteem.

Medical care: The need for basic health care and life-saving medical procedures persists in all countries in the world. Angel Covers arranges for preventive care, critical surgeries and medicine to help orphaned and impoverished children to combat disease and ensure well-being.

Your Impact

Your donation is helping Angel Covers project that focuses on addressing the comprehensive needs of Chinese orphan children who are malnourshined. There is a very high number of orphans in China and many of the children are suffering from a lack of nutrition which leads to many issues and diseases.

Angel Covers is working to put an end to this. They are working with the hungry and malnourished in several places and countries all around the world. Many of the malnourished children live in Asia and Africa, which is why Angel Covers works primarily in these areas of the world to help out.

Your donation is going towards helping children in China that are in an orphanage and lack proper nutrition. You are a huge role in helping Angel Covers provide the necessary support and care needed for these children to live!

Your donation to DollarFund is able to help over 600 of these precious children get the nutrition and love they need! You are making a huge impact in the world with your $1. Because of you, in the month of March we were able to help 600 lives through 2 of the major needs in the world- feeding the hungry and parenting the parentless

DollarFund is committed to giving to organizations, like Angel Covers, that are fighting to help the precious lives of children in orphanages and those that are hungry. Your dollar, your friend’s dollar, your mom’s dollar… everyone’s dollar all coming together and impacting the world. DollarFund is empowering the dollar to do more than it ever has before. Your dollar matters! Your influence and voice to share this movement matters!

If you know of any organizations that are doing great work in the world to help feed the hungry or parent the parentless, please let us know by nominating them here to be consider for a future gift! We love for our donors and members of this movement to have a say and voice in the power of your $1 and which organization it goes towards.

Connecting the world through millions of $1 donations.