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Our February Gift - World Vision

Read to learn more about how DollarFund is working to help after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria

Mar 2, 2023 | Blog

Our February Gift – Relief for Turkey and Syria After Earthquake

At the beginning of February, there were disastrous earthquake in Turkey and Syria. We want to be apart of helping in this part of the world where this is so much suffering. We want to put the donations from the month of February to helping with relief and recovery after the devastating effects of the earthquake. These people need our help! Read to hear about the organization we are partnering with to help in Turkey and Syria! YOU are making a difference in the world!

What Happened?

On February 6th, a 7.8 earthquake and multiple aftershocks hit Southern Turkey and Northern Syria – one of the strongest in the region in over 100 years. Sadly, the death toll has exceeded 35,000 and continues to rise hour by hour. This region is home to an already vulnerable population due to years of conflict which created massive ongoing needs before the earthquake. Now collapsed buildings and damaged roads have left hundreds of thousands displaced and stranded in the freezing temperatures; children are particularly vulnerable to family separation, exploitation, and abuse at this time.⁣

World Vision is responding by providing life-saving support with access to temporary shelters, heaters, clean water, non-food items, and critically needed healthcare. They are also providing care for vulnerable children separated from their families amid the turmoil.⁣

DollarFund is proud to give our donations this month to World Vision and the work they are doing to help vulnerable children and families effected by this devastating earthquake.⁣

Your gift can make a real difference for vulnerable children and families in need.

World Vision 

World Vision goes to the ends where no one else goes.

World Vision is a global Christian humanitarian organization. They partner with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

World Vision works to pull up the roots of poverty and plant the seeds of change.⁣

Building relationships. Listening. Planning and working alongside local leaders. Together, finding solutions that will change the future for children. Here’s just some of what they accomplished in 2022 in partnership with donors and the communities they serve:

Helped equip over 3.2 million kids for brighter futures through child sponsorship. ⁣

Impacted 1.3 million jobs through small loans and business training. ⁣

Distributed over 156,000 metric tons of food to nourish hungry kids and families. ⁣

Helped establish lasting access to clean water for over 3 million people. ⁣

We are proud to partner with them to do more good and help those in need. Your donation from this month will go to World Vision and the great work they do! 


Your Impact

World Vision has been working to help Turkey and Syria since the earthquake. Your donation from the month of February is helping them recover from these devastating earthquake. The help and work being done is amazing!

Your $ that you’ve given to DollarFund is going towards helping the relief and recovery after the effects of the earthquake. Helping people that are hurting, people that have lost jobs, lost their homes and lost loved ones. Helping rebuild what has been destroyed. You are helping to feed, nourish, and care for the people of Turkey and Syria.

YOU are making an impact. YOU are making a difference in the world. All because you give $1 to DollarFund and share this movement with others. Thank you!

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