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Our September Gift - Doors to Freedom

Find out more about our newest recipient, Doors to Freedom, and the amazing work they do for survivors of human trafficking. Your donation will be put towards providing the necessary support and care needed for these survivors to rebuild their lives.

Oct 16, 2020 | Blog

Our September Gift – Doors to Freedom

We’ve posted before about the horrors of the thriving criminal industry (yes, industry. Millions of dollars are made every year). It is an exhibition of people at their worst, with horrendous results, but that hasn’t stopped Doors to Freedom from tackling head on what some people deem as “too sensitive”. This is no joke. Slavery is real and it is a huge problem- not just in developing countries, but in our own backyard here in the United States.

DollarFund is committed to giving organizations that are fighting against the horrors of modern-day slavery. We are so excited to announce that from the donations in September, DollarFund donors have been able to give $4,000 to help bring freedom to those in need.

The Problem

The average age a child enters sex trafficking is 14-16 years old. Due to their ages and social/cognitive development, all children are vulnerable to being targeted and recruited by a trafficker/pimp because they do not recognize or understand the manipulation tactics employed against them. – Shared Hope International

Sex trafficking is the third largest organized crime in the United States.

The largest group of at-risk children are runaway, abandoned, or homeless American children who use survival sex to acquire food, shelter, and clothing. According to the National Runaway Switchboard, 1.3 million runaway and homeless youth live on America’s streets every day. Approximately 5,000 die each year.

The average lifespan of a victim of sex trafficking is reported to be 7 years, often found dead from attack, abuse, HIV and other STD’s, malnutrition, overdose, or suicide.

According to the 2019 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, the United States ranks third in the world for human trafficking.

There are an estimated 300,000 enslaved in the United States.

Doors to Freedom

Doors to Freedom provides a safe place for survivors of sex trafficking to experience a transformed life.

Doors to Freedom lovingly supports each individual as she overcomes her traumatic past and receives total restoration: body, soul, and spirit. They are committed to providing a place for these girls to call home. Through academic education, life skills, personal growth, and vocational training she will find a new life, restored hope, and a beautiful future. This organization believes truth is essential for freedom. Knowing truth and understanding truth gives meaning to the value of life. Understanding your value restores dignity and offers a new perspective on life. The right perspective restores hope and allows one to dream again for their future.

Your Impact

Doors to Freedom provides a safe place for minor female survivors of sex-trafficking to experience a freedom journey to a transformed life. Their home, in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, is a place where each girl experiences loving support by trained staff as she overcomes her traumatic past and receives total restoration: body, mind, and spirit. This work is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The Doors to Freedom team is committed to providing a place, free of charge, for these girls to call home. Through personal growth, life skills training, vocational training, and education, girls find a new life, restored hope, and a beautiful future.

The Freedom Journey is a three-phase process: Assess, Change, and Transition. In the Assess phase, girls walk through orientation, review the Resident’s Manual, and work through several assessments: Strengths and Struggles Assessment, Safety Assessment, and Life Skill and Education Assessment. This phase also includes a 24-hour body check and a 72-hour health care exam by a medical facility. Progression to Phase 2 is incumbent upon a resident showing desire to work through her Individualized Growth Plan (IGP). This plan, based on assessment results, is created for each girl by Doors to Freedom staff and also helps each resident fulfill her own goals.

Phase 2, Change, is the most time-intensive and is unique to each girl. During this phase, the resident fully joins the program and begins to work through her IGP. She learns how to develop life-changing habits while obtaining her high school diploma or GED. As of this year, we have 3 girls who have entered colleges in pursuit of social work, nursing, and veterinary technologist! In order to progress to Phase 3, Transition, the resident must successfully complete her IGP.

The Transition phase is also unique to the individual girl, and can last a maximum of 6-months. At this point, a girl transitions back to her family, to an approved foster home, or, if 18 or older, is supported in her transition to work and self-sustainability. During this time, she will have access to supportive resources, established safety nets, and accountability, all provided by Doors to Freedom staff. The staff members are always networking within the community to pursue education, apprenticeship, internship, and full-time job opportunities for young women to step into their desired job arena.

Support from the Dollar Fund would help provide assistance in their current home costs, but also in the opening of our second home for young ladies 18 and older, focused specifically on their transition to self-sustainability. With the establishing of this second leg of the Freedom Journey, we will be positioned to multiply this model of nurturing a rescued young girl to new life, restored hope, and a beautiful future!

DollarFund is committed to giving to organizations, like Hope for Justice, that are fighting to bring freedom to those in slavery. Your dollar, your friend’s dollar, your mom’s dollar… everyone’s dollar all coming together and impacting the world. DollarFund is empowering the dollar to do more than it ever has before. Your dollar matters! Your influence and voice to share this movement matters!

If you know of any organizations that are doing great work in the world to bring freedom to slaves, please let us know by nominating them here to be consider for a future gift! We love for our donors and members of this movement to have a say and voice in the power of your $1 and which organization it goes towards.

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