Our February Gift - International Justice Mission
Find out more about our February recipient, IJM, and the amazing work they do for slavery and trafficking.Our February Gift – International Justice Mission
We love the way that so many of you raised your voices online with us for shine a light on slavery day in February. Slavery still exist and we are not okay with it! We exist to end it. We are in it to end it and see slavery end in our lifetimes. We’ve posted before about the horrors of the thriving criminal industry (yes, industry. Millions of dollars are made every year). It is an exhibition of people at their worst, with horrendous results, but that hasn’t stopped Pure Hope from tackling head on what some people deem as “too sensitive”.
For February, DollarFund donors have been able to give to International Justice Mission to help the amazing work that they are doing to end slavery and trafficking.
Every day, innocent people are beaten, raped and abused in slavery.
With your help, we can rescue them and end slavery in our lifetime.

There are 40+ million people in slavery globally. That’s more than ever before in human history.
Slavery is a multibillion-dollar industry. Human trafficking generates $150B annually.
Slave owners prey on the poor and weak. 1 in 4 victims of modern slavery is a child.
Slavery goes beyond just a bad working condition. People trapped in slavery face physical, verbal and sexual abuse daily, and cannot leave to find other work or protect their families. In IJM’s cases, we have met enslaved people who report being beaten, gang-raped, locked in tiny rooms, starved and even forced to witness murder.

All around the world, vulnerable people are taken by oppressors who believe that making money matters more than a person’s life. Driven by greed and overlooked by their local legal system, these oppressors steal human beings and intimidate them until they feel too small to fight back. We believe these slave owners shouldn’t be allowed to win.
International Justice Mission is an organized group of advocates, donors, investigators, social workers, lawyers and government leaders who are executing a proven plan that will stop the modern slave trade in its tracks.
IJM rescues children, women and men by disrupting the slave trade. At IJM, they work with local governments to rescue victims and throw their oppressors in jail. Once the immediate crisis is managed, we disrupt the business model that fostered the slavery in the first place. Disrupting the model involves prosecuting slave owners and dramatically increasing the legal, financial and opportunity costs slave owners must pay to sustain a slave-labor model.
Together, we can work to end slavery in our lifetime.
If we don’t disrupt the model, slave owners will expand their power and steal more lives. But the world is changing. Modern slavery can end in our lifetime. IJM’s proven model works.With your help, IJM can throw slave owners and traffickers in jail, rescue those whose lives have been stolen and prove to the world every human life matters.
With our growing community of donors, we’re ready to help fund the true forces of good in this world. All it takes is $1. We welcome you to join us and share this message.